Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Scented Wax Bars

Something I have been very interested in for the past seven month or so has been scented wax bars.  I bought my first flameless wax warmer in early spring and instantly became hooked.  The first warmer I had was a table top plug-in. Quickly after realizing how much I enjoyed it, I went back and bought a smaller version to plug directly into the outlet. Those are perfect for bathrooms and hallways. At the time, the only places I knew to find the scented bars, were either directly from the original source, (or the first source that I had ever heard of) Scentsy, or to go to Walmart.  Walmart was always the option I chose because it was easier for me.  I didn't have to find a rep to order through, I could smell the bar before I bought it, and they were cheaper by more than half the price off.  Walmart sold two brands, initially.  They had the Better Homes and Gardens brand and ScentSationals brand.  Later, they introduced a Paula Dean collection. 

It would seem that scented wax bars are becoming very popular, and understandably!  They're amazing!  You can turn the warmer on and not worry about a fire sparking.  The wax gets warm but won't scald the skin should it get on you.  I would say these are a safer option for those with small children and/or animals. 
The scent options seem limitless!  Especially as more time goes by and more stores and companies catch on, the selection becomes even larger.  There is always the core selection of fragrance to choose from, but each holiday and new season that rolls around, special batches come out that are "limited edition."

These are becoming easier and easier to come by.  Where previously it seemed you could only get them through Scentsy or Walmart, now they are popping up everywhere.  About a month ago, I was shopping in Kroger (a grocery store) and in their Christmas holiday aisle they had their seasonal candles on display.  Right there with the candles were about 8 different scented wax bars.  Two weekends ago, I was in my dollar store and in their candle aisle they had their own brand of wax bars.  Their selection was limited to about 6 different scents, but it was a start!  This past weekend, I was in Meijer and they are now selling wax bars.  I think they have a couple of different brands being sold.  I know for a fact they are selling the ScentSationals. Their selection of ScentSationals is larger, and with different options, than the Walmart one. 

Further good news!  If you are wanting to buy wax bars from the store, it would seem that no matter where you choose to spend your money, it will only run you $2.00 per bar. Scentsy is more expensive still, but the stores all have lower prices and all seem to be agreeing that $2.00 will be the going rate. 

My collection of scent bars is becoming quite large.  For a couple of dollars, I can justify buying a new bar pretty often to keep my home smelling nice.  I have recently been buying more fall/winter appropriate scents. A couple of weeks back I bought some Christmas specific bars.  This past weekend, I bought some nice cold weather scents. They're all cozy smells. 

The first two are Gooey Marshmallow S'more, which is quite chocolate-y, and Sugared Vanilla Shortbread, which makes me want to take a bit out of it.  It is quite sweet.

The next two are Fragrant Evergreen Forest and Warm Crackling Campfire.  Fragrant Evergreen Forest is as you might imagine; it smells like a pine forest.  It is a good Christmas tree scent. Warm Crackling Campfire doesn't exactly smell like a campfire.  I do pick up on some smokey and, perhaps, cedar notes.  However, this mostly smells like some sort of incense to me.

As for the warmers, themselves, you can pick up the table top warmers for right around $15.00 and the wall plug-ins for around $10.00.  The prices vary a bit, depending on the design.  I think some of the holiday ones can run a little bit more.  I still think that is quite a fair price for something that is ceramic and can be used over and over.  The only thing you'll  have to replace is the bulb when it has burnt out. If you consider how much the average person spends on scented candles from shops like Bath & Body Works, this is a serious bargain!

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